Just seems like I can't find the desire to get back into Flash. I kind of sit outside of the community at this point, as a lot of life things are overshadowing any hobbies.
I probably have the wrong mindset for it anyway. With the exception of video games, everything I do needs to have a monetary end goal in order for me to prioritize it.
Seeing as how, in my entire Flash 'career,' I've made right around 17 cents, I don't feel like it's a great investment for me, unless there was guaranteed money at the end of the tunnel. (i.e. a contract job)
Once the baby pops out in November, things may change. I imagine finding myself alone, late at night, waiting for the baby to go back to sleep and needing something to occupy my time and my brain. Flash might fill that void.
I'd need to reference a bunch of material to write even the most simple snippet. I hope it's like riding a bike.